**CC0. No IPFS. No APIs. Just code**. Fully on-chain, generative NFT.
10,000 Anonymice have been minted. 6,450 have been burned, only 3550 remain. Unique holders 1418 (May 29. 2022) (40% unique holder distribution)
2 Anonymice were used to breed and create the [Anonymice Babies](https://opensea.io/collection/anonymice-babies) collection in the first on chain breeding event.
Anonymice Babies are in the process of Evolving, you can buy DNAchips [here](https://opensea.io/collection/anonymice-evolutions).
Cheeth can no longer be obtained through staking. 12.3M cheeth has been claimed so far out of a maximum of 21M. To check if the cheeth has been claimed for any mouse check [here](https://anonymice.com/cheeth
[Cheeth uniswap dashboard](https://tinyurl.com/3k8zhce5
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